If you've been visiting $aving with Cindy then you've probably noticed the Coupon Bar at the top of the page that leads you to another coupon website. I'm happy to announce that I've added Red Plum, another coupon printing site to the blog!
You may wonder why these are here?
First, of course, what good is a bargain blog without coupons! That is a big part of how we save money!
Second, in the interest of "full disclosure" (as required by a recent law change) you may not know that if you click on the coupon links, either Coupons.com or Red Plum, and then print coupons that I get a small commission on these.
So, there you go! You may see other links to sites or ads on the blog and they help cover some of the costs associated with keeping up with a bargain blog. I hope that the bargains I've posted here have been of value to you. Please feel free to provide any comments or feedback!
I am also a coupon lover and always use coupons for shopping, restaurants, beauty products, travel, groceries, and health. My favorite coupon site is http://www.clickmycoupon.com/